Saturday, August 15, 2009



酷伯Rem Koolhaas第一次進軍紐約的高級房市(好像也是第一次在紐約有建案),即是這座斜坡式的摩天大樓。

挑戰結構上的美感及錯覺, 破除建蔽率往內縮的傳統解讀(有鑽漏洞的嫌疑)。以一個概念設計人的身份,在每一次創作中提出新於以往的想法,



OMA wins competition for the Taipei Performing Arts Centre

After a two-phase international competition (with offices such as Morphosis, Abalos+Sentkiewicz, MVRDV and Zaha Hadid), OMA has been awarded the first prize in the design competition to build the new Taipei Performing Arts Centre.

The project, led by Rem Koolhaas and Ole Scheeren, is based on 3 theaters (1 x 1,500 seats - the round one, 2 x 800 seats - cubes) which are plugged into a central cube cladded with corrugated glass. This scheme puts all the stage accommodations of the 3 theaters into the central cube, allowing for more flexibility as theaters can be used independently or combined, expanding the possibilities for experimental performances - an art which is very strong on the country. This new arrangement of stage and seatings includes a public circulation that exposes parts of the backstage to the public.

And now, my comments on the form.

I know that some of you will freak out with this, but if you have been to Taipei you´ll know that the local architecture is very figurative (ie: Taipei 101 as a bamboo stick/pagoda), so I think that this potent geometrical shapes we see on the models are the result of that, adapting to the local culture.

Also, this new disposal of the service/to-be-served spaces on a “theatrical” configuration brings to my mind the Seattle Public Library and how it changed the typical library approach, resulting on a new experience.

But still, it doesn´t blow my mind as other OMA projects have done in the past. Or am I missing something?

然後這是同樣參加競圖的其他幾個提案. 老實說 我比較喜歡這幾個

Abalos+Sentkiewicz project for the Taipei Performing Arts Centre

The two-phase international competition for the new Performing Arts Centre in Taipei included more than 100 offices from around the world. The competition was won by OMA, and generated an intense discussion on ArchDaily.

Now we bring you a proposal from the 2nd phase by spanish architects Ábalos + Sentkiewicz. We´ll try to get more projects so you can have the whole picture on this competition.

UPDATE: You can read Architect’s description after the break.

From human being origins, people doing circles around someone who is speaking, singing, dancing or arguing -under a tree shadow if possible- has been the main characteristic of performing. Our music halls maintain this original condition and extend their geometry to the whole complex, which turns into a group of big trees with a stratified structure, as the local tropical forest, working at the same time as a functional scheme and an environmental strategy:

  • Over the trees a roof tour that conform a new landscape is proposed, giving identity to the complex.
  • Music Halls are in the trees, organized around a principal lobby and two secondary ones. Each hall adopts a particular configuration reinforced by its different coloration (gold silver, bronze).
  • Under the trees, topography splits in two: Upwards, composing a park protected from the sun and the rain. Downwards composing a complex of commercial galleries that extend the activity from Shilin Night Market and goes through the building.

Against the typical configuration of a principal and a back façade this project achieves a total urban isotropy, not only with four but with five facades in relation with the context.

Architects: Ábalos + Sentkiewicz Arquitectos
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Client: Taipei City Government
Architects in Charge: Iñaki Abalos, Renata Sentkiewicz
Local Architects: Ricky Liu and Associates / Architects + Planners,
Project Team: Jorge Álvarez Builla (Project manager), Andrés Besomi Terrazas, Margaux Eyssette, Victor Garzón, Nissim Haguenauer, Pablo de la Hoz, Ismael Martín, Alfonso Miguel, Laura Torres Roa
Constructed Area: 48,105 sqm
Structural Engineer: Agustí Obiol. Boma / KLC & Associates
Green Architecture: Florencio Manteca. CENER
Performing Consultant: Wu Jing-Jyi, Hsu Po-Yun, Li Huan-Hsiun, Taiwan
Theatre consultants: Theateradvises BV, Netherlands / PAT,Taiwan
Stage mechanical: Ángel Pérez Sellers. Thyssen Krupp Spain
Acoustic Consultant: Higini Arau, Arau Acústica
M/E: Frontier Engineering / C.C.LEE & Associates
Prevention & Evacuation: Taiwan Fire Safety Consulting
Traffic: THI Consultants Inc, Taiwan
Model: Transference Cosmos Model, Taiwan
Infographics: Andrés Besomi Terrazas, Nissim Haguenauer, Pablo de la Hoz

Taipei Performing Arts Center proposal by NL Architects

Taipei Performing Arts Center proposal by Morphosis

ㄜ 我發現他有注意到我們這很多摩拖車

jakob + macfarlane / dominique jakob : TPAC - taipei performing art center proposal

taipei performing arts center by jakob + macfarlane/ dominique jakob
image courtesy jakob + macfarlane and dominique jakob

we have recently featured projects for the taipei performing arts center
international competition. continuing our coverage here is the work of
french firm jakob + macfarlane and dominique jakob. in their work they
explore digital technology both as a conceptual consideration
and as a means of fabrication, using new materials.

they received an honorable mention for their design.

taipei performing arts center by jakob + macfarlane/ dominique jakob
image courtesy jakob + macfarlane and dominique jakob

taipei performing arts center interior
image courtesy jakob + macfarlane and dominique jakob

taipei performing arts center elevation
image courtesy jakob + macfarlane and dominique jakob

taipei performing arts center floor plan
image courtesy jakob + macfarlane and dominique jakob

zaha hadid architects: TPAC - taipei performing art center proposal

taipei performing arts center by zaha hadid architects
image courtesy zaha hadid architects

continuning our coverage of the TPAC - taipei performing art center international
competition here is zaha hadid architects design proposal which received
an honorable mention.

the fluid shaped building consisted of three theaters; a 1500 seat grand theater
and two 800 seat theaters.

taipei performing arts center
image courtesy zaha hadid architects

taipei performing arts center by zaha hadid architects
image courtesy zaha hadid architects

t: north elevation b: east elevation
image courtesy zaha hadid architects

MVRDV architects: taipei performing arts center international competition

taipei performing art center
image courtesy MVRDV architects

here is dutch firm MVRDV architects proposal for the TPAC - taipei performing
art center international competition. their design received an honorable mention.

with their design the three theaters are covered by a blanket proposed to be made
of sprayed insulated concrete (with substantial sustainable potential) and covered
with PU polished painting, giving it a subtle glance. the inside of the blanket is
covered with mirrors creating a reflective environment for the audience.

the blanket is punctured with glass windows that form a line pattern that is derived
from a traditional taiwanese piece of textile. this pattern illuminates the foyer
during the day.

taipei performing art center
image courtesy MVRDV architects

taipei performing art center
image courtesy MVRDV architects

taipei performing art center
image courtesy MVRDV architects

taipei performing art center plan
image courtesy MVRDV architects

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